Saturday 7 November 2015

History of manufacturing processes- an introduction

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Modern manufacturing processes are the machining process that uses some nontraditional means for material removal from the base material so as to give the desired shape to the base material with desired degree of surface finish. The need for new type of manufacturing processes grew with the shortcomings of the conventional machining processes such as inability to produce intricate shapes, high residual stress development in the work-piece material leading to low durability and poor surface finish in some cases. To obtain this many experiments were carried out and later many processes developed which improved over time. Thus, while discussing the historical development of the modern manufacturing processes we have to go through different processes as they all have different mechanism and different setups but all work for the common cause of material removal.
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These manufacturing processes are classified depending on the type of energy utilized for the purpose of material removal. The classification is as follows:
Processes utilizing mechanical energy for material removal:
1. Abrasive jet machining
2. Water jet machining
3. Abrasive water jet machining
4. Ultrasonic machining
Processes utilizing chemical energy for material removal:
1. Chemical machining
2. Electro-chemical machining
3. Electro-chemical grinding etc…
Processes utilizing thermal energy for material removal:
1. Electron beam machining
2. Laser beam machining
3. Plasma arc machining etc…
Thus we shall discuss the historical development of these processes one by one.
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