Saturday 7 November 2015

Historical development of USM machining process

Ultrasonic machining is the machining process in which there is a softer tool than the material to be cut which vibrates at a particular frequency that produces the force required for machining. A abrasive slurry is passed through the gap between the tool and the workpiece. The vibrational force impinges the abrasive particles to impinge on to the workpiece causing the material removal. Balamuth in 1945 firstly described the process and later in the year 1953-54 the first ultrasonic machining tool was developed. With passage of time, in 1960’s, various tools for the process were available and commercial use of the system started to begin. Later in in1966 two monographs developed that brought together most of the matter together. In 1989 much work was carried out on fatigue strength of machined surface. The present research is basically focused on the use of system in machining various materials and increasing the material removal rate by variation in tool design. Working of ultrasonic machining is shown in figure below.
Above diagram depicts the basic working principle of ultrasonic machining which uses a horn that vibrates at certain frequency. Abrasive particles in form of slurry are passed between the vibrating horn and the workpiece resulting in material removal by the abrasive particles by rubbing and bond breakage caused due to brittle fracture.

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